Category: Residential

Since 1989

Top 3 Benefits of Air Conditioning Maintenance Plans

Anyone who has owned property for more than a few years will tell you that preventative maintenance is the key to success. The alternative is waiting for a problem to develop, which can end up costing you more time and money in the end. If you own a home or apartment, you’ve probably developed a…
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September 11, 2017 0

Top 4 Air-Conditioning Myths

The National Weather Service has issued several excessive heat warnings for Las Vegas during the past few weeks. We’ve had days that reached more than 115 degrees, and some lows were as high as 88 degrees this month. It’s been a particularly hot summer here, and AC is on everyone’s minds this season because keeping…
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August 7, 2017 0

2 Terrible Examples of Neglecting Air-Conditioning Maintenance

Everyone knows what happens when they neglect to maintain their vehicles: Belts wear out, oil runs low and lines crack. After too much neglect, serious problems can develop. Air conditioners work the same way, but most homeowners never think to have their units checked. No machine can go forever without a checkup, and neglecting to…
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July 31, 2017 0

3 News Stories that Prove the Importance of AC

Air conditioning is nearly universal in the United States. There isn’t a department store, hotel or office out there that doesn’t use it, but Vox News reminds us that for the first 100 years of AC’s existence, nobody wanted to use it. People were slow to see the benefit of installing an air conditioner in their homes…
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July 27, 2017 0