
Since 1989

2 FAQs About Ductless AC

Given how hot it’s been in Las Vegas, many people are considering adding additional air-conditioning units to their homes. Others have questions about how to keep their existing units running more efficiently. There is no one-size-fits-all AC setup, and the type and amount you need will very much depend on the size of your home…
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October 9, 2018 0

4 Tips for Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

The U.S. Energy Information Administration predicts that there are air conditioners in more than 100 million U.S. homes. Indeed, almost every household or business has some type of AC unit, but air conditioners are complex machines. Despite their sleek new designs, only a professional should explore the inner workings of an AC unit. Basic air conditioner maintenance…
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June 26, 2018 0

Air Conditioning and Heating Money Saving Tips

Given the amount of energy spent on maintaining comfortable heating and cooling levels in a home or building, your decisions on how to manage your HVAC system can make all the difference in reducing energy costs and increasing comfort levels. To assist with your decision making process, we put together the following money saving tips…
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January 8, 2018 0

Man Arrested for Stealing Freon From AC Units

Air conditioners have become so popular in developed nations that people rarely view them as a luxury. With air conditioning in more than 100 million homes across the United States, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, it is clear that these systems are among the most widespread household items. Air conditioning Like other home…
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December 20, 2017 0

2 Radical Predictions for the Future of Air Conditioning

Air conditioning units have changed very little since their invention in the early 1900s. Still, they remain one of the most popular items for homes and businesses worldwide. ACHR estimates that AC vendors sell more than 99 million air conditioners around the world each year, and this number is likely to increase as global temperatures rise. It…
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December 4, 2017 0

4 Ways to Maximize the Effectiveness of an Air Conditioner

In many areas of the country, the temperatures drop into the 80s and 70s in late August. However, in Las Vegas, we are still seeing temperatures in the 90s. Gizmodo reminds us that AC started as a technology that was only used in factories. Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine weathering a summer in the desert without it.…
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September 25, 2017 0

3 Reasons Why Now Is the Right Time for AC Maintenance

Air conditioning is absolutely essential in desert cities like Las Vegas. It’s the end of the summer, and it’s still above 90 degrees on a regular basis. We use our AC more than people in other cities, which is why we need to service air conditioners more often. Many repair services around the country suggest…
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September 22, 2017 0

3 Home Cooling Myths That Confuse Many Home- and Business Owners

With the astonishing number of air conditioners being shipped across the United States each year, it is no surprise that there are also a significant number of myths and rumors about these miraculous machines that abound. The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute estimates that there were more than 518,000 central air conditioners and air-source heat pumps shipped…
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September 18, 2017 0

Top 3 Benefits of Air Conditioning Maintenance Plans

Anyone who has owned property for more than a few years will tell you that preventative maintenance is the key to success. The alternative is waiting for a problem to develop, which can end up costing you more time and money in the end. If you own a home or apartment, you’ve probably developed a…
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September 11, 2017 0

Top 4 Air-Conditioning Myths

The National Weather Service has issued several excessive heat warnings for Las Vegas during the past few weeks. We’ve had days that reached more than 115 degrees, and some lows were as high as 88 degrees this month. It’s been a particularly hot summer here, and AC is on everyone’s minds this season because keeping…
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August 7, 2017 0